Monday, July 30, 2007

Soccer - Japan v Korea

Nice game, but Japan lost at the end.

I usually don't watch soccer/football, but I liked some of the players on Team Japan:
中澤 佑二 (Yuji Nakazawa)
中村 俊輔 (Shunsuke Nakamura)

I think 川口 能活 (Yoshikatsu Kawaguchi) is getting a bit old. He wasn't as good of a goalkeeper as I expected. *hides from avid soccer fans* However, Nakazawa was amazing. He's a really good defender. I think Nakamura made my list, because of that one commercial he's in.

I can't find that commercial on youtube, but here is a pretty good soccer commercial.

Also, a surprising turn of events--Team Korea Manager, Pim Verbeek, announced his resignation after Sunday's victory. I think it's because of all the pressure from Korea? Asian society is super competitive, and I'm sure Korea is no exception.


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