Monday, July 30, 2007

日本の政治 [Japanese Politics]

Apparently, in Japan, there are two major parties in Japan: the 自由民主党 (ziyuuminshutou) better known as 自民党 (zimintou - Liberal Democratic Party or DPJ) for short and the 民主党 (minshutou - The Democratic Party of Japan or DPJ).

Currently, the Japanese parliamentary system, also known as the "National Diet", is comprised of a bicameral house: the House of Councilors (参議院 - sangiin) and the House of Representatives (衆議院 - shuugiin). During my short conversation with 石さん (Ishi-san) this morning, I have gathered the following information:
The prime minister is selected by the lower house--the House of Representatives. The current prime minister, Prime Minister Abe ( 安倍総理) was actually elected via a special session. So, the Prime Minister is from the (former) dominant party of the House of Representatives.

During yesterday's election for the House of Councilors (equivalent to the British House of Lords), Abe's party, LDP, sorely lost their majority in the House of Councillors (previously controlled 132 out of the 242 seats). Acorrding to BBC news, after the elections on Sunday, LDP secured only 43 out of the 76 seats it was defending. People were expecting Prime Minister Abe to resign due to this severe defeat, but he has annouced that he will not be thwarted by this defeat.

There's also news about 藤森さん, the former President of Peru (from 1990-2000) unable to gain a seat in the House of Councillors. He has quite a history, but I'm just reading it for the first time myself (so pardon me if I don't elaborate on my ill-informed version of the story).

According to Ishi-san (but he has not perused the news this morning, to pardon some outdatedness), Prime Minister Abe is expected to call for a Motion of Confidence. In Japan (again, thru the perspective of Ishi-san), they like their congress controlled by one party in order to get laws passed. So, because LDP lost the upper house, they should "concede" the House of Representatives via the motion of confidence. So, when they receive a vote of no cofidence, Prime Minister Abe will dissolve the House of Representatives. He is expected to do this, but from today's news, I am unsure if this is the path he will follow. (Maybe he'll pull a Blair?).

This is all the Japanese politics I know. I'm sure I've put up some unreliable information as well, so please correct me! 日本の正規を教えてください。


At July 30, 2007 at 3:31 PM , Blogger wildwing00duck said...

i've been hearing about this too. it was on tv.

At July 30, 2007 at 8:10 PM , Blogger ln said...

yeah, those 100 channels of tv you get. pfft!


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